Pilohoma (50) and Jemmy Repi (58), sat behind the photograph of their
kidnapped son, Alfian Elvis Repi, at their home in Kauditan Village,
North Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Wednesday (6/4). Alfian was among 10
Indonesian citizen who had been kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf militant group
in their Brahma 12's voyage outside Indonesian waters. (ANTARA
FOTO/Adwit B Pramono)
Nunukan, North Kalimantan (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian citizen
who was shot at by members of the Abu Sayyaf militant group continues to
be in an unstable condition in the Tawau Hospital."I checked on the condition of the victim in the Tawau Hospital. His condition is still unstable due to the critical wound he suffered," the Indonesian Consular in Tawau, Abdul Zainal, said here on Tuesday.
The victim, Lambos Simanungkalit, was a member of the crew onboard tugboat Henry/Barge Christy who had been shot and is currently under treatment.
Zainal informed that the Indonesian consulate in Tawau is monitoring the condition of Simanungkalit every day.
Zainal added Simanungkalit suffered injury in his left armpit through the chest, and needs more intensive treatment.
The consulate is also coordinating with the Malaysian Police which secured Simanungkalits freedom after a raid on 15 April, 2016 at 18:32 pm.
The Malaysian Police freed Simanungkalit after an ambush in the Ligitan Island of Malaysia.
Simanungkalit was freed along with other hostages, including Yohanis Serang, Sembara Oktapian, Leonard Bastian, Rohaidi, and Royke Fransy Montolalu.
Meanwhile, the Abu Sayyaf militant group is still detaining four hostages, including Mochamad Ariyanto Misnan, Lorens MPS, Dede Irfan Hilmi and Samsir.
Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Luhut Pandjaitan, had said the government was analyzing a new hostage crisis that occurred along the maritime border between Malaysia and the Philippines last Friday.
Four Indonesian crew members were abducted on Friday evening in this incident on the seas.
"We are studying the motive of the abductors to see if it was political or purely for ransom, such as the incidents of piracy in Somalia," Pandjaitan explained.
The two boats were on their way from Cebu, the Philippines, to Tarakan, North Kalimantan, when the hijacking occurred, the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry said in a statement.
The hijacked boats carried 10 Indonesian crew members. Of the 10, one was shot, five managed to escape, and four were abducted by the pirates
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