Bloody man of Ambon bearing in Makassar incises its(the name as upper board player figure. Its proof, s(he is not only gets honour to use national team captain tire, but x'self also menyabet some trofi.
Appreciation which ontaining of like Pemain All Star Asia the year 1982, National Best Sportsman of the year 1976 and 1981, Best Player of Galatama the year 1979 and 1980, and reachs for Silver Medal SEA GAMES 1979 and 1981.
Becomes football star was obsession Ronny since s(he child still. Because getting support from spirit [of] from its(the father, Nus Pattinasarany, known as taft pesepakbola in era before independence, s(he also can realize its(the dream.
Journey of its(the career as football player is started with PSM Junior in the year 1966. Unnecessary of old time for birth man of 9 Februari 1949 to pierce level team senior PSM Makassar, because two years is having tubing s(he has entered skuad " Eastward cock".
From Makassar, Ronny hengkang to klub Galatama, Warna Agung, what advocated it from the year 1978 to 1982. So, in here its(the career starts is ascending so that him(her also chosen entered timnas--dan thus captain--, and menyabet some appreciations.
The year 1982, Ronny hengkang to klub Tunas Inti. Only one year over there, him(her also to decide to hang shoe and changes over profession as coach.
There are some klub which felt touch [his] arms, namely Persiba Balikpapan, Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian, Persita Tangerang, Petrochemical Gresik, Makassar Utama, Persitara Jakarta Utara and Persija Jakarta. But best achievement which been incised Ronny is when handling Petrokimia Putra.
The reason is, s(he is successful dedicates some trofi for the existing klub has disbanded and melts in Gresik United ( GU). Yes, Ronny brings Petrokimia to reach for Juara Surya Cup, Petro Cup, and runner-up Tugu Muda Cup.
But its(the career as coach do not take place stripper because s(he given on to a dilemma: thinking of or having career permanent is its(the children future. Yes, two its(the putra is being trapping world narkoba to need tuition of the father that can go out from the problem.
Finally, Ronny to decide to desist as coach for the shake of its(the family captain. He puts down its(the [position/occupation] as coach Petrokimia and concentration of healing chlid both, Henry Jacques Pattinasarany which is chummy is addressed [by] Yerry, becoming pecandu narkoba putaw--waktu type having age new Yerry 15 years.
" I am confronted [by] two a real difficult choices, football or chlid. I finally to decide leaves football even that moment doesn't know will which I do," memory Ronny.
After Yerry recovers, storm returns to draws near family Ronny. This of his(its first putra, Robenno Pattrick Pattinasarany which is chummy is called [by] Benny, also falls to the same creavasse. Even Benny is more again because using outdoors narkoba.
Nevertheless, Ronny remain to be patient loving and guides it. He assumes it all as temptation at the same time exhortation. According to man who Stella Maria wife, during having career in football world, s(he feels going away from the Creator.
After the awareness emerged, Ronny also draws near x'self again to God. Benny and Yerry also is led to be more deepens spiritual life and the business is success, because life of its(the family returned like formerly.
From there, Ronny returns to plunging to football, a world of enlarging its(the name. Though not as coach again, but active him(her in activity that is is supporting progress of Indonesia football, like becoming Construction Director of Young Age of PSSI ( 2006), Vice Chairman Komdis ( 2006) and Tim Monitoring Timnas ( 2007).
But performance Ronny which is including the heavy smoker annoyed by disease gnawing it. He is attacked [by] liver cancer so that since December 2007, Ronny must experience therapy in Guangzhou and has four times to town which located in China.
Darling, God wants other. Though all efforts has been done, but lethal finally fetchs man who intensively fights against narkoba and its(the family is also has is candid releases departure of the warrior.
At Friday ( 19/9) around at 1330 WIB, RONNY stretchs soul in Hospital Omni Medical Center Pulomas, Jakarta Timur. Its(the corpse will be disemayamkan in sorrowful house, Jalan Pulomas Blok III B/9, Pulomas, Jakarta Timur, hereinafter will be buried in San Diego Hill, Karawang, Jawa Barat, at Sunday ( 21/9).
Bye Bye Ronny, your service isn't it always is remembered and struggle of your life hopefully can become inspiration for progress of Indonesia football
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