" I ready even so must synchronized of two piece. During the time positive by what I fight for why no," specifically when met in Hotel Millenium, area Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Friday ( 31/10) night.
Woman of birth elatus Ujung Pandang, 24 Octobers 1985 was, even confessed do not too worries even Parliament RI just authenticates invitors ( Law) Pornography, Thursday.
" Why having to fear. Hopefully just public assess positively. I think public have been enough smart to assess it," its(the reply.
Even synchronized stable isotope of swimsuit the bikini model, but for precaution, s(he will bring swimsuit model one piece, usualy is worn Indonesia participant in similar place. " It to be as my preparation plan bringing two models. One same piece of two piece," said woman who frequently is addressed by the name of this Chika.
So far, bloody woman of Ambon and this Manado confess has made ready fully experiences all other assessment processes, like talent show so dressing traditional. " I Balinese dance will and synchronized of kebaya," he said.
In the opportunity, Chika also confess is concerned to ratifying of Law Pornogafi. According to coed Psikologi Yayasan Admisnitrasi Indonesia ( YAI), Salemba, Bill of Pornogafi will only narrow motion space of freedom of public is including contact with mores and the cultural in Fatherland.
" A number of difficulty areas will surely. People uses kemben is also able to categorized pornography? I see will happened homogeneity. All becoming uniform and that hardly regrettably. If it is so all same and not there will be again Indonesian keunikan," he/she said.
With implementing of The pornography Law, Chika only worry appearance will legal morale polices. " But hopefully do not as hard as that." hopes Chika, which will start activity to follow place World Tourism International 2008 by finite 11 Decembers of 2 coming January.
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