Told Imam Firmness Liaison Head Suryadi, for planning Piala Citra which the existing is new middle handled by special team, which later will select stipulating of the new design. " In election later, public also is expected involve to determine newest design of Piala Citra later," said Imam is contacted [by] Friday ( 31/10).
Further of Imam affirms plan existence of change of Piala Citra design has been discussed in an initial meeting of this month, between Tim Pengkajian FFI with Badan Pertimbangan Perfilman Nasional ( BP2N). " With new planning of Piala Citra later is expected to become symbol spirit [of] has just the management of FFI in coming," he/she said.
So far, five actors coming from Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta has presented result of its(the planning to be studied. " Out of the five models, chosen three newfangled which later will be socialized to public. Date of 4 November later, we will show" says Imam
Since perhelatan of FFI performed in the year 1966, Image Cup given to the winners is result of statue actor planning masterpiece ( alm) Sidharta. The year has just 1979, The image Cup ratified by the side of government, along with transfer of executor FFI from the side of Yayasan Film Indonesia ( YFI) to government. Image Cup ratified by The Minister of Information Ali Murtopo.
Said Meaningful image of shadow or image. Initially was a masterpiece rhyme Usmar Ismail. This rhyme then made as song masterpiece by Cornel Simanjuntak. In process of his(its, Usmar Ismail makes it as a film title. In tradition FFI, Citra then is made name of cup as highest supremacy symbol for film mankind in Fatherland.
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