mystical power athletics teacher PROFESSOR Cakra Murti, Prof. IGK PUTRA WIRAWAN, MM, mentions that only they sensitive with energy from outside just x'self kesurupan capable to. So, doesn't mean man which is easy is weak or bad kesurupan. ¨ They this exactly more sensitive,¨ says Putra.
Exactly only man who its(the mind and heart just cleanness of which able to reach level of calm awareness, situation of meditatif or its(the awareness changes, dissociation, or trance. ¨ Of course in a few case, kesurupan emerges as result of existence of position of man who is undignified,¨ he/she said.
Its(the example, we are big tree felling promiscuously, without requesting permit invisible mahkluk occupying it. In this case, process of kesurupan is way of immaterial world dweller submits its(the protest or disagreement at real world dweller.
In consequence, there is habit gives offerings among Hinduist or other trust, which is sure that besides this real world there are also world is not reality which its(the place much the same to with lived [by] man.
Giving of this offerings is form of real world dweller manner when changing or relocation of dwelling of the world dwellers is not reality, so that they can be fraternize or doesn't bother. Putra x'self, even s(he believes in Hindu, doesn't give offerings.
¨ I butuh only when calm that can communicate and requests permit the immaterial world dwellers occupying tree which will be cut away for example, and asks in order not to bother,¨ its(the papar.
But, it is possible that, said Prof. Luh Ketut Suryani, situation kesurupan is supporting facilities for for immaterial world dweller to inform that situation that happened is present inappropriateness again with concept trihita karana ( balance between microcosms or man x'self, macrocosm or a world of we lived, and God).
So, because its(the form and energy level differs in between uses living in this world with immaterial world, communications also would difficult. Happened phenomenon so-called this kesurupan.
Prof. Suryani affirms, ditangkal that need to be kesurupan as result of other souls causing fatal. ¨ Believes is just with God strength,¨ calls it.
According to law spiritual, soul besides man, may not and cannot bother man because God to protect every believer is sheltering to it.
Besides labouring dead sleep, so that happened balance in our x'self. Balance if it is, logic remain to be functioning, x'self trust emerges, and finally we can have a command over x'self.
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